Morning Coffee with Larry Quicksall

Morning Coffee with Larry Quicksall

Latest Episodes

Episode 135 - Habits to Help You Prosper - August 23, 2019
August 23, 2019

Good Morning and Happy Friday!!!  Today I want to talk about this great list of actions titled "Habits to Help You Prosper" by Ruben Chavez.  I really get going on this list, and I believe if you implement these suggestions it will most certainl

Episode 134 - Are You Anchored? - August 22, 2019
August 22, 2019

Good morning and good coffee everybody! After some heavy rains last night I went to check on my mom‘s pontoon boat. Thankfully it was still attached to the dock, but it made me stop to think about being anchored in the lake. My question for you is “are yo

Episode 133 - Common Struggles for Adult Children of Alcoholics - August 21, 2019
August 21, 2019

Good Morning and Good Coffee!  I was doing a little research the other day and found a list of 10 Common Struggles for Adult Children of Alcoholic put together by Sharon Martin LCSW.  I find a lot of these traits not just in children of alcoholi

Episode 132 - Singing in the Rain - August 20, 2019
August 20, 2019

Good morning everybody! Today’s podcast is actually recorded in my car in a rainstorm at noon! And you know what in life sometimes when it rains it pours both literally and figuratively. So today I share three ways of dealing with life‘s rain storms and l

Episode 131 - Appreciating the Good and Bad - August 19, 2019
August 19, 2019

Good Morning and Good Coffee!  Thanks to my classmate Tracy for a great post that addresses the topic of being thankful appreciating both the good and bad in life when we apply the right interpretation.

Episode 130 - Minding the Store - August 16, 2019
August 16, 2019

Good morning everybody! In today’s podcast we’re not really talking about stores, but we are talking about the concept of “minding the store” with the store being ourselves. How well do you mind yourself? Today I cover six important items that you need to

Episode 129 - Depression and Numbness - August 15, 2019
August 15, 2019

Good morning! Today I want to talk about the topic of depression in the feelings of numbness, emotional numbness, that we can experience. I want to give validity to what those who are depressed are experiencing, and to give insight to those who have not y

Episode 128 - 40 Old-Fashion Skills Kids Need to Know - August 14, 2019
August 14, 2019

Good Morning Everyone!  Today I share with you a list of old-fashion skills that kids (and adults) need to know how to do.  Some of these appear to have been forgotten and we need to bring them back!

Episode 127 - But I Did It Too - August 13, 2019
August 13, 2019

Good morning and good coffee! Perfect day I want to talk about the topic of advocating against something that you had done in your past. No it’s not going to make you a hypocrite, but it’s going to demonstrate a concept that is extremely powerful yet ofte

Episode 126 - 5 Ways to Not be Used - August 12, 2019
August 12, 2019

Good morning and good coffee! Today I want to talk about the five ways to not being used by other people. This is him to say that it’s not good to help others, but no one likes being used. I got this information from Five Star Man, a Christian men’s minis