Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach

Latest Episodes

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 021
February 18, 2017

From candid responses to our survey, we have identified the five most common blunders that sales professionals make. See whether you commit these in your selling. Download Podcast Transcript These mistakes have cost many sales people many clients,

How to Calculate Customer Lifetime Value
February 14, 2017

Are you aware of the lifetime value of a customer?  Do you know how to calculate a customer lifetime value? It’s time you gave this some serious consideration because customers are the king. They can make or break your business and there’s no two

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 020
February 11, 2017

Today I am going to be blunt and plead with you to stop wasting your prospects time. We are also going to discuss what it means to fuel your body with the appropriate nutrition to be a high performer. Download Podcast Episode Stop Wasting Prospects...

Nutrition For High Performance
February 08, 2017

Do you follow a regime that is geared around nutrition for high performance? Let’s find out by considering the six styles of dining behaviour. The six patterns are called : survivors, vaudevillers, disease avoiders, food faddists, fat-fighters and

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 019
February 04, 2017

Cold calling – did I hear you shiver at the thought of it.. Today we are going to discuss a strategy you should think of using. I also have a special treat for you in the form of a test.. In this episode I am...

Make People Buy – 10 Magic Words
January 30, 2017

Words that can make people buy! What a powerful concept – if it is true. The good news is…. it is especially these 10 words. 10 Magic Words – to Make People Buy Ten magic words that are sure to make people buy. Let’s learn... The post

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 018
January 27, 2017

Words may not break bones, but they can change minds and move individuals into action. How can you, take advantage of this fact? In this episode of Monday Sales Coach we are going to identify the ten magic words that sales and marketing experts have...

How To Improve Your Authority With Linkedin
January 26, 2017

When it comes to generating that critical “Know, Like and Trust” factor with a personalised, 1-on-1 marketing approach on a social network nothing can compare to LinkedIn, Linkedin used to it’s potential is a “no brainer” i

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 017
January 20, 2017

Leadership at all levels knows the story: there’s more to do, fewer people around, and everything is moving faster. In the absence of step-by-step leadership, and with the velocity of change in business, it’s important that we educate ourselves to a ne...

Get Noticed On YouTube
January 18, 2017

When was the last time you watched a YouTube video? My guess is that you interacted with YouTube in some way in the last 24 hours as long as you have access to the Internet. Online video is growing exponentially, with over 4 billion videos... The post Get