Monday Morning Moments with Mike Van Hoozer

Monday Morning Moments with Mike Van Hoozer

Monday Morning Moments Podcast: Take Time to Think

December 19, 2022

Monday Morning Moments podcast thumbnail image

When was the last time you stopped and took time to think? We often get caught up in the busyness of life that we miss opportunities to be present with our thoughts and with other people. When we slow down and take time to think and reflect, we see things more clearly!

In today’s podcast episode of Monday Morning Moments, I share some thoughts on taking time to slow down and think and 3 practical things to think about as you reflect on the past year and look forward to the new year.

Show Notes:
  1. Be grateful about who you are.
  2. Be present when you are with others.
  3. Be focused on what you are called to do.

Seven Days in Utopia

“He asked if I ever slowed down to think.”

Seven Days in Utopia, David Cook

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