Monday Morning Moments with Mike Van Hoozer

Latest Episodes
Monday Morning Moments Podcast: Play with JOY
In 2021, the Baylor Men's Basketball Team won a National Championship! In his book "The Road to JOY," Baylor Head Coach Scott Drew talks about how they built a culture of JOY (Jesus, Others, Yourself)
Monday Morning Moments Podcast: Stop Letting Comparison Steal Your Joy
Comparison is the thief of joy, and it can lead you into a downward spiral of performance. In today's Monday Morning Moments podcast episode in our series entitled "It's Not About You," I share differ
Monday Morning Moments Podcast: Answering the Greatest Call You Will Ever Receive
I believe every one of us has been created for a unique purpose and has been called to make a positive and meaningful impact with our lives. The key question is: Will you accept the invitation and ans
Monday Morning Moments Podcast: The Potential of Impact
Every day, you have a choice to make life all about you or to connect your life to an eternal story and make a positive and transformational impact in the lives of other people. We are in the middle o
Monday Morning Moments Podcast: The Power of Influence
This is the second podcast episode in our series entitled, "It's Not About You." Every one of us has the power to influence others either positively or negatively, and we can allow ourselves to be inf
Monday Morning Moments Podcast: What is the Foundation for Your Identity?
At the beginning of a new year, we can hear various types of promotions and messages like "New Year, New You!" and "It's All About You in the New Year!" These messages promote the false sense of purpo
Monday Morning Moments Podcast: Amplify Your Leadership Voice
This is the final episode of our podcast series called AMPLIFY. In this episode of Monday Morning Moments, I share 3 E's of how to use and amplify your authentic leadership voice to make a positive an
Monday Morning Moments Podcast: Are You Using Your Voice To Lead and Influence Others?
You have a voice and have influence, but you may find yourself in a season where you are not using your voice to make a positive and productive difference in the lives of other people. In this podcast
Monday Morning Moments Podcast: Are You Amplifying the Wrong Voice?
Sometimes we can amplify the wrong voice in our head which increases the sound and strength of fear, doubt, pressure, and anxiety in our lives and hinders our performance in sports, business, and life
Monday Morning Moments Podcast: Be Grateful and Be Faithful
Gratitude is so important to experiencing joy and contentment in our lives. And when we are grateful for the people and opportunities in our lives, we can be more faithful with them by giving our best