Monday Morning Moments with Mike Van Hoozer

Monday Morning Moments with Mike Van Hoozer

Monday Morning Moments Podcast: Great Leaders Give Great Feedback

June 24, 2024

photo of leaders

What kind of feedback are you giving to the people you lead and influence? Is it helping them to grow and get better? In today’s podcast episode of Monday Morning Moments, we are continuing our series about the habits of great leaders. Today’s podcast focuses on how great leaders give great feedback

In this episode, I share 5 ways that you can give great feedback to the people that you lead and influence. These are great principles whether you are a coach focusing on getting the best out of your players, a business leader helping others to maximize their potential, or a leader at home serving and investing in the needs of your family.



Show Notes:

  • Great leaders give great feedback.

  • What is great feedback?

    • Feedback that helps someone else become who they were created to be and deliver their best confidently and consistently.

  • Great feedback is specific, timely, and relevant

  • Great feedback must always be aligned with the other person’s potential to be (Warren Bennis).

  • Great feedback balances positive and constructive feedback, not criticism which literally means to tear down and not build up.

    • As Chris Miller, a program director at UNC Executive Development, writes in his white paper, “Expectations Create Outcomes: Growth Mindsets in Organizations”: “managers with fixed mindsets often fail to recognize positive changes in employee performance. They are also less likely to coach employees about how to improve performance or to offer constructive feedback…This leads to a loss of talent in organizations.”

    • Focus on at least a 3-1 ratio and work to get to a 5-1 ratio.

  • Great feedback recognizes contribution and achievement. Process and outcomes. Growth and achievements.

  • Great feedback should help your team play with belief, trust, and confidence on “game day.” That’s the art of leadership.

  • Key Questions:- What kind of feedback are you giving, and is it helping your team develop and become their best?




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