Mohawkmomma Soul

Mohawkmomma Soul

Latest Episodes

Chapel Time - Sensual Gratitude - Smell + Shalom
February 24, 2021

Writing soul and oracle, today, we're seeking the scent of shalom and getting sensual with our gratitude, personally and collectively as we notice, nurture, and embody our humanity from the inside out. Our senses help us to connect + create from a sacred

Chapel Time - Sensual Gratitude - Touch + Freedom
February 23, 2021

Writing soul and oracle, let's not merely talk about freedom in abstract terms—let's touch it. Today, we're getting sensual with our gratitude, personally and collectively as we notice, nurture, and embody our humanity from the inside out. Our senses hel

Chapel Time - Sensual Gratitude - Sight + Seek
February 22, 2021

Writing soul and oracle, you've probably played hide + seek. Well, today we're playing sight + seek. You are worth being seen and being sought after. Today, we're getting sensual with our gratitude, personally and collectively as we notice, nurture, and e

Chapel Time - Sensual Gratitude - Weekly Sabbath Review - Lent Week One
February 20, 2021

Writing soul and oracle, it's time for a weekly Sabbath Review. Are you noticing, nurturing, and embodying your sense of humanity from the inside out? Today, we're tending to what we've been sensing all week long. Let's get sensual with our gratitude, per

ChapelTime - Sensual Gratitude - Sound + Stirring Wind (Spirit)
February 19, 2021

Writing soul and oracle, are you noticing, nurturing, and embodying your sense of sound? Today, we're tending to our inner + outer wind stirring. Let's get sensual with our gratitude, personally and collectively. Our senses help us to connect + create fr

Chapel Time - Sensual Gratitude - Taste + Zest
February 17, 2021

Writing soul and oracle, are you noticing, nurturing, and embodying your sense of taste? Today, we're talking about an inner + outer zest. Let's get sensual with our gratitude, personally and collectively. Our senses help us to connect + create from a sa

Begin The Day - A Meditative Blessing
December 16, 2020

Go deeper on the blog.  The Blessing Where I notice my life. When I nurture my life. How I embody my life. I will humbly live my life in—in the mundane. Help me elevate Your divine message in my earthiness. Help me elevate Your divine mind in my c

End of Day Restorative Guided Meditation
December 16, 2020

Discover the blog. Transcript:  This much is good. Find a place to settle your body, your holy temple. Your mind. This is the end of your day. Under the current circumstances, you’ve done your best today.  Exhale and let go of your work and cho

Day 22 | Walk in The Word Bible Study Series
August 30, 2020

This is our last day in the Walk in the Word series. We are in the last lament portion of our Healing and Held devotion. Our focus is on Hannah in 1 Samuel chapter 1.  Together, let's notice, nurture, and embody this ancient lament. We are moving in

Day 21 | Walk in The Word Bible Study Series
August 28, 2020

We are in the lament portion of our Healing and Held devotion. Our focus is on mourning women in Jeremiah chapter 9. Together, let's notice, nurture, and embody this ancient lament. We are moving in radical self-care, healing, and meditation as we take i