Mindset Neuroscience Podcast
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How to teach bravery with neuroscience
"In order for there to be courage, there needs to be risk. It doesn't take courage to open up the refrigerator." - Seth Godin Whether it's asking a question, raising our hands, speaking in public,
Beware False Growth Mindset: Signals of Inauthenticity and How to Change Them
When we truly understand the power of the human brain, and we authentically become learners, neuroscience becomes a language of the human spirit - one that empowers and inspires. Unfortunately, it ca
How to not repeat history: neurochemical identities and self-fulfilling prophecies – mini episode
As we approach the holidays and important moments in history are there social or family dynamics that feel like repeats or remnants from the past? Do you sometimes get the feeling that nothing ever
How purpose and transcendent thinking affect the brain
Purpose isn't just some grandiose, once-in-a-lifetime discovery. It's not a single "aha" moment where suddenly everything clicks. Instead, we can view a sense of purpose as an ongoing narrative that e
How to inspire growth mindset using neuroscience (5 steps)
"One thing about human intelligence is absolutely certain: it is malleable, meaning it can be changed through exposure to new information or even by looking at what you already know in a new way. The
Emotion Regulation doesn’t mean being calm and collected all the time – Mini Episode
Emotion regulation doesn't mean being calm and collected all the time. It's about range and repertoire, and an ability to intentionally shift into a state we prefer. A state that 'feels better'. Fee
Vibrational Availability: how our brain distorts people and reality – Mini Episode
The brain, more than anything, is a predictive system. It conserves energy by attempting to predict - rather than truly understand - what is in front of it. When information is missing, it fills in th
Mastering the Art of Inner Intelligence – Mini Episode
Your brain - every brain - is a work in progress. It is 'plastic.' From the day we're born to the day we die, it continuously revises and remodels, improving or slowly declining, as a function of how
Suppress, Switch, Engage: The neuro-mechanics of your inner voice and how to fuel your purpose – Season 4 Ep 7
Imagine yourself when you were at a low point in your life. Is there a voice that could have somehow helped you see yourself in a new way? Perhaps an older, wiser version of you.. Or even a younger
The Neuroscience of Intergenerational Trauma and Healing: Interview with Tim Lewis – Season 4 Ep 6
We have learned that trauma is not just an event that took place sometime in the past; it [...] has ongoing consequences for how the human organism manages to survive in the present. Trauma results i