Warrior Mind Podcast

Warrior Mind Podcast

Keys to An Achievable Outcome: Warrior Mind Podcast #502

September 05, 2020

Over six years and going strong!  With over 1M downloads from over 15 countries and 7 continents’…. this is the Warrior Mind Podcast.

In this episode of the Warrior Mind Podcast I’m going talk about the keys to an achievable outcome (goal) and why they are so important!

Keys to An Achievable Outcome

Now that we’ve last the halfway point in 2020, how are you doing with your goals?

If you’re not doing too well, that’s OK; you still have half the year remaining.

To help you reach your personal goals and achieve personal success I’m going to revisit Keys to an Achievable Outcome.

So, let’s begin…First ask yourself “What do I want?”  Really…what do you want?  When develop your goals according to the formula for a well-formed outcome you’ll be answering the following:

Enjoy this podcast on the Keys to An Achievable Outcome

More on the 1o Reasons to Spend Time Alone

* Stated in the positive* What you want* Moving toward

* Self-initiated, self-maintained and in my control* Am I doing this for myself or someone else* Does the outcome rely solely on me?

* Specific evidence procedure* How will I know that I am getting (or got) the outcome?* What will I be doing when I get it?* What will I see, hear and feel when I have it?

* Context clearly defined* Context of goal clearly defined* Where, when, how and with whom do I want it?

* Identify needed resources* What resources do I have now?* What resources do I need to acquire?* Do I evidence of achieving this (or similar) before?* What will happen if I act as if I have all the resources required?

* Is it ecological?* Good for me, good for others, good for “community”* Who else will be affected by this?* What do I want to keep the same?* What is the real purpose why I want this?* What will I lose or gain if I have it?* What will happen if I get it?* What won’t happen if I get it?* What will happen if I don’t get it?* What won’t happen if I don’t get it?

* Identify the first step to take* “The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step” Lao-Tzu

I’ve gone over these in other post and I want to focus in Step 5 “Identify Need Resources.”

Often when we set personal goals, we get so excited about the possibility of achieving them.  We use the SMARTER process and get at it.

Then we hit frustration, lack of progress and sometimes backsliding. 


Because we haven’t stopped to take a close look at our resources; those that we have and those that we need.

In this “lone ranger” society we feel we can do it alone.  After all isn’t that what a warrior does?

Absolutely not! 

Any successful person took stock of what they had in resources, i.e. physical capabilities, mental capabilities (intelligence), connections (they’re network), etc.

Before you being to charge after your goal take a deep breath and really think about your resources.

Some questions to ask are:

* What’s it going to take to accomplish this goal?* Am I capable of doing it all myself?* What else do I need to learn?

* Who else can help me?* Have I ever done something like this before?