Warrior Mind Podcast

Warrior Mind Podcast

10 Benefits of Spending Time Alone: Warrior Mind Podcast #501

August 22, 2020

Over six years and going strong!  With over 1M downloads from over 15 countries and 7 continents’…. this is the Warrior Mind Podcast.

In this episode of the Warrior Mind Podcast I’m going talk about the 10 benefits of spending time alone and how it helps with life satisfaction.

10 Reasons to Spend Time Alone

We often use our private time to text, email or phone someone and do not spend time with ourselves. There are lots of things to gain just by spending time alone. In a world where social media has great influence, we seem to love being with other people. We use all available platforms to stay in touch with them, and we talk about various areas of common interest: what we wish to do and where we wish to go. Have you ever thought of getting away from that circle and spending time alone? You could use the time to do what you love, what you cherished, and what you had wanted to do in your own way and at your own pace. You will have benefits such as the following:

1. No Pressure on Performance

Spending time alone gives you the opportunity to carry out those activities you have longed to do. You do not have anyone mounting pressure on you to meet a deadline, but you have all the time in the world to follow your instincts and work at your own pace. There is a special kind of satisfaction you derive when you are able to do things your way.

2. Unique Creativity Flourishes

Getting away from those watching eyes and barrage of questions is a relief because you do not have to feel uneasy to add a blend of creativity to what you do. Spending time alone helps you device best ways to write, draw, paint the house, or make beautiful designs unique to you. Your creativity flourishes and you begin to see a world full of opportunities ahead of you.

3. Refreshing Time

The society we live in is a stressful one, and we are not getting free any sooner. Many people face illnesses owing to the risks they take to make ends meet each day. Spending time alone frees you from that kind of stress you have always wanted to run from and gives you enough time to regain your lost energy and zest for life. The benefits of such retreat are invaluable, and you come out ready to face the world with a new kind of strength.

4. Time for Sort through Problems

A lot of problems can be resolved just by sitting down alone and thinking them through. You will be surprised to find that the cause and solution to each problem are so easy to understand and addressed. Whether you finally solve the problem is not the issue, the satisfaction of focusing on what is wrong in your life and making an effort to correct them is enough to make your day.

5. Better Understanding of Yourself

So many do not know who they are or what their goals in life are. This is why spending time alone is important. It affords you time to look into yourself and find out what you love and hate about life. It is a time to check your response and reaction to the things that happen around you on daily basis. At the same time, you may discover more about your interests, abilities and life passion and make decisions on how to develop them and channel them properly. Your self-confidence grows, and you begin to feel good about yourself.

Enjoy this podcast on 10 Reasons to Spend Time Alone

More on the 1o Reasons to Spend Time Alone

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