Warrior Mind Podcast

Warrior Mind Podcast

How to Develop Resilience: Warrior Mind Podcast #497

July 25, 2020

Over six years and going strong!  With over 1M downloads from over 15 countries and 7 continents’…. this is the Warrior Mind Podcast.

In this episode of the Warrior Mind Podcast I’m going to discuss several ways in which to develop resilience and why it’s important.

Referred to as the rubber ball factor, resilience is your ability to recover from or bounce back in the event of adversity. It is not necessarily about overcoming enormous challenges, but coping and adjusting easily with the daily inevitable life setbacks. It also means maintaining a positive outlook and managing stress more effectively. Resilience is, in essence, a mindset that draws from various skills and sources of help such as thinking skills, physical and mental health, as well as your relationships with others.

The Ingredients of How to Develop Resilience

There are four fundamental ingredients to develop resilience:

* Awareness– taking note of what is going on around you and inside your brain* Thinking– your ability to interpret the things that are going on rationally* Reaching out– knowing how and when to ask others for help* Fitness– our physical and mental strength to handle challenges without becoming ill

Enjoy this podcast on how to develop resilience

More Unique Ways to Develop Resilience

The link between thought and emotion

Emotions influence on thought

It is crucial to apply reason to emotion during your decision-making process. That is because how you think is usually affected by your emotional response towards an event. Psychologist Albert Ellis designed a simple model to elaborate this- the A-B-C model of resilience.

A for adversity – being in a challenging event

B for Beliefs- it entails interpreting the event

C for Consequences- what you feel or do as a result of the event

It is crucial to note that even when an emotion is so visceral that it leaves no time to go through each step rationally, your brain will almost certainly go through the process subconsciously.

Thoughts have influence on emotion

Your thoughts can lead to specific emotions. For example:

* If you think you’ve lost something you might feel sad* If someone has done something to harm you, you feel anger* If you hurt somebody you, you feel shame

Understanding that thoughts lead to emotions allows you to fathom what your subconscious thinking processes will be. It also helps you to take the right action to address the challenge.

Thinking traps

Traps are assumptions about yourself or a situation that are made without assessing the evidence. Some of the signs that you are falling into a thinking trap are the use of phrases like always, never, I, or they, to name a few. For instance:

* I have never been able to do things like that* I just can’t pass math* They have taken everything from me

You ought to avoid falling into the thinking traps when you are developing a belief towards a situation. That is because; the trap can hinder you from acting effectively or with resilience.

How to improve your resilience

You can develop and strengthen your resilience in the following ways: