Warrior Mind Podcast

Warrior Mind Podcast

Laws of the Mind: Warrior Mind Podcast #489

May 23, 2020

Over six years and going strong!  With over 1M downloads from over 15 countries and 7 continents’…. this is the Warrior Mind Podcast.

In this episode of the Warrior Mind Podcast I’m going to discuss the nine Laws of the Mind and the importance of them on your personal success.

9 Laws of the Mind for Peak Performance

Law 1: What You Think Is What You Get

Any image placed into the subconscious mind develops into reality with absolute accuracy.

Law 2: Every Thought Causes a Physical Reaction

Your thoughts affect all of the functions of your body.

Law 3: Imagination is More Powerful Than Knowledge

Images are the property of the subconscious mind.  Those images will always overpower what you think. 

Law 4: Your Habits Are Your Life

Much of your day consists of successions of actions, 98% of what you do, you do by habit, spontaneously. 

Law 5: Negative Thoughts Breed Like Cockroaches

The more attention and power you give to your fears, the more they affect you and the more likely they are to manifest themselves. 

Enjoy this podcast on the nine laws of the mind

More Laws of the Mind

Law 6: Attitude is a Matter of Choice

And attitude is basically the way in which you look at life or your performance.  You have the ability to choose your attitude in any circumstance.

Law 7: Reactions Must be Managed

Just as you can manage your attitude, you can manage your reactions.  What happens in your life is purely neutral.

Law 8: Thoughts Must be Kept Alive

No thought is self-sustaining in the mid, it must be nurtured, fed, and kept alive. Only one idea can be entertained at one time.

Law 9: Attitude of Gratitude

One of the laws of the universe is what you put forth comes back to you, and usually when it does it has gained massive momentum.  In other words, what goes around – comes around. 

For a more in-depth discussion about this topic request your Introductory Consultation.

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