Military Homeschool Podcast

Latest Episodes
The New Year is a Great Time to Reset Your Homeschool: with Stepheny Seabolt
Episode #32- On this episode, Crystal and guest Stepheny Seabolt chat about the turn of a new calendar year being the perfect time to freshen up your homeschool and give it a restart, giving tips on i
I Don’t Have to Look Like the Public School (Replay)
On this episode, meet Stepheny Seabolt, who explains how her view of homeschooling has changed and how she now chooses and utilizes curriculum with the insights she's gained through nearly a decade of
Homeschooling Children with Unique Needs – Part One (Replay)
Felice Gerwitz, who holds a degree in Elementary Education, Learning Disabilities, and Early Childhood Education, talks about homeschooling children with a variety of learning styles and unique needs.
Homeschooling Through Tough Times
When things get complicated, it's important to remember that homeschooling, AND military life, is a journey- there will be ups and downs. That's just a given. On this episode, Crystal Niehoff shares s
Homeschool Grades | Replay
Homeschool Grades: How to Assign and Track Your Learner's Progress - - In this episode, Crystal discusses the ins and outs of homeschool grades. And hopefully, by the end of the show, youll better
Military Homeschool Q&A: How To Start, Home of Record, Overseas (Replay)
Episode #25- This week, Crystal tackles the top three questions she receives from military homeschooling families: How do I start homeschooling? Can I use Home of Record to register our homeschool? Ar
5 School Break Boredom Busters That Homeschoolers Will Love
5 School Break Boredom Busters That Homeschoolers Will Love ~ Episode 38 On this episode, Crystal shares a list of five school break boredom busters that homeschool parents and kids will love! Even b
Encouragement for Moms Homeschooling through Military Deployment
Episode #28- For the military spouse who is trying to hold the family together on the homefront, deployments are challenging, to say the least. Add homeschooling to the mix, and it can be positively o
Homeschool Schedule Vs. Routine (Replay)
Homeschool Schedule Vs. Routine Homeschool Schedule Vs. Routine Episode #41 - In this episode, lets discuss how to determine the ideal way to plan your homeschool days to ensure success! - Homeschool
Deschooling: What, Why, and How (Replay)
Listen in to learn more about deschooling as a way to reframe and reset the joy of learning for both you and your child.