Mike Robert - The Geek With Muscles

Mike Robert - The Geek With Muscles

Latest Episodes

Building More Muscle with Special Guest Jason Venckus
September 28, 2021

By special request from listener Dan Brewer in Australia, this episode features personal trainer and entrepreneur, Jason Venckus. Jason discusses the importance of recovery in a fitness program, the research behind his new sports drink "Regain,&quo

Kitchen Junk Drawer - A Lot of Random Thoughts
August 22, 2021

In the first "Kitchen Junk Drawer" ever, Mike and George discuss everything from COVID19 to new shows on Netflix, to faith based healing and science. It's a Saturday night and they ain't got nobody! This episode will make you think

Homophobia In The Caribbean - Our Experience At Sonesta Resorts And More
July 19, 2021

Homophobia in the Caribbean is still a very real thing despite the many advances we have experienced in the United States in recent years. Yet as recent as two weeks ago, at the Sonesta Beach Ocean Point resort in St. Maarten, Mike and his partner Eric

Gay Pride VS Oh No You Didn't!
June 20, 2021

It's Pride 2021!!!! We all love watching our gay pride parades, but do some of them contain content that goes a little too far? Are we hurting ourselves with displays of sexual acts and other overt sexual behavior? Our special guest and LGBTQ+ a

Burglary, A Very Personal Crime - Author Jon Robert
May 15, 2021

Retired Miami-Dade Police Detective Jon Robert is our special guest, and discusses his new book, "Burglary, A Very Personal Crime." Learn what you need to know, BEFORE you're a victim of this invasive and often traumatic crime. With o

Gays Over COVID? They're Still Not Over HIV.
January 22, 2021

With the recent appearance of the "GaysOverCOVID" on social media, it seems that our community has a history of ignoring what kills us.  Photos showing gay men completely disregarding CDC guidelines at parties and events, are currently flooding

Social Media & Censorship
January 12, 2021

With the events of January 6th, at the United States Capitol Building, censorship and social media has once again come into the conversation after the President and his followers are banned from platforms.   Free speech and the online community is somethi

Christmas Eve 2020 - With Special Guest DeeJay George Jett
December 24, 2020

Mike and George discuss the holiday season and how it's not always cracked up to be what we'd like.    Childhood memories, interesting observations by DeeJay George and just plain foolishness make this the perfect episode to listen to if you hav

Party Until You Die - COVID19 And The Gay Community
November 23, 2020

What does a gay circuit event and a Trump rally have in common?  COVID19 disclaimers!  In his first episode since his COVID19 diagnosis and hospital stay, Mike rants with special guest Deejay George Jett about how the gay community continues to party, des

I Lost 100 Pounds And Found Myself - Special Guest Chris Skipper
August 17, 2020

The inspiring and incredible story of Chris Skipper, who only a year ago was dealing with obesity and substance abuse issues.    Hear his remarkable story of how he took control of his life and decided to make some big changes.   It seems appropriate that