Midwest Nerds

Midwest Nerds

Latest Episodes

Midwest Nerds Podcast 123 - MicroTransactions and Homebrew Porn
December 10, 2013

You know what's better than the Midwest Nerds podcast being back? The return of listener questions/ suggestions. KEEP 'EM COMIN' at midwestnerds.com / on our facebook page/ twitter / via carrier pigeon. Several big topics this week, including Microtr

Midwest Nerds 122 - Mobile Game Musings - More Corrections
November 27, 2013

This week the Nerds are three - and Joel is itching to correct Nick's corrections that he corrected while Joel was away buying a new TV for his cabin in the woods? If that last sentence didn't make much sense, neither does our new obsession with correc

Midwest Nerds 121 - Corrections, The Next Generation, and Googles
November 20, 2013

This week it's Nick and Jason show - as Steve had other commitments and Joel is bringing technology to the wilderness (true story), so Nick starts off the show correcting all of the misinformation we spewed last week when he wasn't here to correct us (a

Midwest Nerds 120 - Mature Immaturity
November 14, 2013

Mature games are suppossed to be the games that are only for people who can handle "grown up" subject matter and situations. So why is it that nearly EVERY game that's labeled as a "Mature" title features the most immature jokes, situations, and sexual

Midwest Nerds 119 - All of the E’s
June 18, 2013

This month, on the Midwest Nerds podcast... The Midwest Nerds talk all about this year’s E3 - and by all accounts, it’s the biggest E3 in years. Sony and Microsoft came out swinging, Nintendo stayed home. Which of the Big 3 left the biggest impr

Midwest Nerds 118 - Baker’s Betrayal
April 21, 2013

This month, on the Midwest Nerds podcast... It’s a face-off between Nick Baker and the rest of the Nerds as Nick struggles to explain what drove him from the loving embrace of Microsoft and Windows Phone (a lover he’s embraced for years) and into t

Midwest Nerds 117 - It’s as exciting as February in March!
March 05, 2013

CONFESSION TIME: This episode was recorded in February, and you’re hearing it in March. It’s like having a one-way time-machine, that only goes back in time a couple of weeks... and it’s in your ear. HOWEVER, This show is top-notch, and worth t

Midwest Nerds Podcast #116 - BACK FROM THE DEAD, BABY!
January 20, 2013

First things first, we know you were worried. We should have called. The four of us were NOT killed in a dinosaur zombie jet-pack explosion (but when it’s our time to go, you better believe that’s how we’re checking out), life just got in the wa

Midwest Nerds 115 – A fleet of money-filled Tonka Trucks
November 05, 2012

There’s a lot of news to cover on this week’s show, even without the OMG MEGATON announcement from George Lucas and the new owners of Star Wars: Disney.  That’s right, Star Wars is now owned by the house of Mickey and Co., and you’d better beli

Midwest Nerds Podcast #114 – Stream of Podcastness
October 21, 2012

This week, the midwest nerds try something radical and go completely off script. What follows is over an hour and 10 minutes of some of the most raw, gritty, and uncensored talk on gaming and geek culture the internet has ever seen. This podcast is a