Midwest Nerds

Midwest Nerds

Midwest Nerds 119 - All of the E’s

June 18, 2013


Midwest Nerds 119 - All of the E's

This month, on the Midwest Nerds podcast...

The Midwest Nerds talk all about this year’s E3 - and by all accounts, it’s the biggest E3 in years. Sony and Microsoft came out swinging, Nintendo stayed home. Which of the Big 3 left the biggest impression on the Nerds? Find out inside the show...

-All about Google I/O
-Seriously, give us Google Glass (pretty please?)
-The (Anti) Social Network
-Steve’s Zombie Tip of the Week

It’s been a while, so we’ve got a show stuffed to the gills. Don’t forget to spread the word on the facey-spaces, the tweetdecks, and Plus Googles. The Midwest Nerds podcast, 119 episodes and we still have no idea what we’re doing.