Midwest Nerds

Midwest Nerds

Latest Episodes

Midwest Nerds 113 – The Super Polydent Solution
October 03, 2012

In an effort to prove that they are red-blooded ‘Murican boys, the nerds begin this show by talking about Fantasy Football. Listen to them struggle to sound knowledgeable about sports that they don’t watch while leveling their Mesmers in Guild Wars

Midwest Nerds 112 – Redneck Reasonings and Warring Guilds
September 16, 2012

This week, the nerdy lads have traveled to Tyria and back, and bring with them a full report on ncsoft’s Guild Wars 2. This may also explain why the show is a week or so late... Also on the show this week: -Valve’s latest hardware plans leak onli

MWN 111 – gONe Live
August 23, 2012

THE big story in gaming right now is the complete and utter meltdown of ON LIVE, and on this week’s show the nerds talk about what’s known, what’s not, and what happens now after the suppossed “next big thing in gaming” self-destructs and leav

Midwest Nerds 110 – Steam Apps, Diablo Fixes, and the Ol’ Mailbag
August 12, 2012

First, hats off to you, the intrepid listener of the Midwest Nerds podcast. Because you’ve stepped up your GAME, the second half of this week’s show is devoted to your feedback/questions/ and comments. Way to go, we knew you had it in you. Steve

MWN 109 – Endless Hobbits and Free Old Republics
August 06, 2012

On this week’s Midwest Nerds Podcast, we manage to pry Joel away from his real job in order to make him do his fake podcasting job where we provide him no pay, no overtime, and no benefits. We’re like a reverse work-program for nerds. Also, Steve

MWN 108 – 50 Aussie-Watts
July 20, 2012

In addition to providing the world with the finest video-game, tech, and nerd cultutre news via the intarwebs, our little podcast is also becoming known for excellence in word creation. This week, diabolical science news and loads of free time leads to

MWN 107 – Thumbs up for Geek Squaaaaaaaaad
July 09, 2012

Last episode, our own Steve Nelson told us the horrors that dwell behind the shuttered doors of the public library. This week, in order to ensure that you get the ear canal smack you so desperately need, he braves a place far worse. This den of horror

MWN #106 – Steve Nelson, sound effects master
June 20, 2012

Steve Nelson will likely not be with the Midwest Nerds Podcast much longer. Sad news, we know, but once Hollywood catches wind of his show-stopping natural sound effects talent, we won’t be able to pay him what he’s worth. Well, we’ll just have

MWN 105 – Joel Gifford confirms (E3 edition)
June 14, 2012

It’s been a few weeks, and fans have LITERALLY been knocking down our virtual doors to get more Midwest Nerds podcast. We’re happy to say, this show will deliver. The main event for this week’s show is a smorgasbord of E3 news wrap-up, as our ve

MWN #104 – Verbal Fart (The Tastemaker)/ Mass Effect 3 Spoiler Show
May 24, 2012

I will caution you, dear podcast listener, that if you look at the total runtime of the show before pressing play, the sheer amount of audio present may be too intimidating to handle. Instead of looking at this week’s show as an incredibly bloated 2