World News Brief Podcast

World News Brief Podcast

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Trump Accuses Democrats of Anti-Semitism -The Bob Siegel Show Ep 831
March 21, 2024

Democrats try to portray Donald Trump as an Anti-Semite. Trump in turn calls Democrats Anti-Semites! Will the real racists please stand up? NOTE: This episode of The Bob Siegel Show is also being sent

Does the GOP Need To Start Ballot Harvesting? -World News Brief Ep 112
March 18, 2024

On todays WNB, hosts Mike Fredenburg and Bob Siegel talk about the trials of Donald Trump and smarter ways for the GOP to navigate during elections. Click on your podcasting platform below to sub

Democrats Turn on Biden -World News Brief Ep 211
February 29, 2024

On todays WNB, host Bob Siegel talks about a 13 percent uncommitted vote against Joe Biden in the Michigan Democrat primary. But is this something for conservatives to celebrate or something origin

Election Fraud Confessed! -World News Brief Ep 210
February 23, 2024

On todays WNB, host Bob Siegel talks about a poll where people admitted to cheating in the 2020 presidential election. However, the rules for how were allowed to respond have not changed! Click on

The Multiple Prosecutions of Donald Trump -World News Brief Ep 209
January 22, 2024

On todays WNB, hosts Bob Siegel and Mike Fredenburg discuss the many court cases of Donald Trump obviously timed for an election year. What are the chances that these cases will be appealed or thrown

Dr. Fauci Comes Clean On Social Distancing -World News Brief Ep 208
January 16, 2024

On todays WNB, Bob Siegel comments on the Iowa Caucus and some startling new admissions by Dr. Anthony Fauci. Click on your podcasting platform below to subscribe to World News Brief: Apple |Google

Congress Grills Harvard -World News Brief Ep 107
December 14, 2023

On todays WNB, Bob Siegel hosts and comments on three university presidents brought before Congress to answer for the antisemitism of their campuses. For more detailed information on this topic and

Debriefing the Debate: Israel-Hamas War -The Bob Siegel Show Ep 771
December 04, 2023

Bob is joined by his wife Dana and Epoch Times columnist Mike Fredenburg to debrief the debate from two weeks ago with Muslim apologist Nadir Ahmed. NOTE: Because of the subject matter and because bot

Debate: The Israel-Hamas War -The Bob Siegel Show Ep 764
November 20, 2023

Mike Fredenburg moderates a debate between Bob and his guest, Muslim apologist Nadir Ahmed. Because of the subject matter and because both Bob and Mike are also hosts on World News Brief, this episode

Another Holocaust Against The Jews -World News Brief Ep 106
October 12, 2023

This weeks WNB host Bob Siegel talks about the barbaric attack from Hamas and the new war in Israel. For detailed information on this podcast, check out Bobs book! The Holocaust Against Israel by
