Messianic Apologetics

Messianic Apologetics

Latest Episodes

Is the Hebrew Matthew an Authentic Document?
October 07, 2023

Among all of the texts of the Apostolic Scriptures or New Testament, todays broad Messianic movement has some significant struggles when it comes to the composition of the Gospel of Matthew.

Apostolic Scriptures Reflection V’zot Ha’berakhah – Matthew 17:1-9; Mark 9:2-10; Luke 9:28-36; Jude 3-4, 8-10
October 06, 2023

Mark Huey of Outreach Israel Ministries delivers the following Apostolic Scriptures Reflection for Vzot Haberakhah: Matthew 17:1-9; Mark 9:2-10; Luke 9:28-36; Jude 3-4, 8-10

TorahScope V’zot Ha’berakhah – Deuteronomy 33:1–34:12
October 05, 2023

Mark Huey of Outreach Israel Ministries delivers the following message on the Torah portion for this week: Vzot Haberakhah or This is the blessing

You Want to Be a Pharisee
October 04, 2023

How many of you, in your quest to become Torah observant, have been accused by Christian friends or family of being a Pharisee?

The Significance of the Messiah Event
October 03, 2023

Many people in the Torah movement have lost sight of the most significant event in human history: the death, burial, and resurrection of Yeshua the Messiah. They frequently deny that we live in a post

Approaching One Law Controversies: Sorting Through the Legalism
October 02, 2023

J.K. McKee of Messianic Apologetics discusses some of the unfortunate controversies and emotionalism that can arise, when the theological issue over one law mentioned in the Torah arises. Is it poss

Spoons Cafe – Food Reviews
October 01, 2023

01 October, 2023

The Message of James – Bible Messages
October 01, 2023

The Message of James