Messianic Apologetics

Messianic Apologetics

Latest Episodes

Considering Messianic Jewish Fears of Replacement and Irrelevance
October 14, 2023

One of the most significant issues that is dominating all of the contemporary Messianic movement, at present, is the future. Many are of the conviction that even though we are living in the end-times,

How Are You Facilitating Stability? – Messianic Insider
October 11, 2023

John McKee discusses the significance of stability versus instability, considering some examples from your likely, current Messianic experience.

Messianic Apologetics Exclusives
October 09, 2023

Messianic Apologetics Exclusives is a special broadcast channel on Instagram, where you can receive updates which are not posted on our website, YouTube channel, or podcast.

Is God’s Purpose Bigger?
October 09, 2023

As I have interacted with many Messianic Believers, Jewish and non-Jewish, over the years, they instinctively feel that a time is going to have to come where we move beyond the things which have held

A Few Updates – McKee Moment Shorts
October 08, 2023

08 October, 2023

Matthew 23:2-3: Who Sits in the Seat of Moses?
October 08, 2023

J.K. McKee of Messianic Apologetics evaluates the different perspectives present in the broad Messianic community regarding Matthew 23:2-3, and the role of the Rabbinic tradition in Torah observance.