

398 | Transforming Habits in Our Homes and Lives - Part 3

March 13, 2025

In this episode of MercyTalk, we continue our conversation on the power of habits, specifically focusing on the habits of our digital lives. 

Also, in this episode…

·    The importance of recognizing how our digital habits impact every area of our lives

·    A hard look at who’s really in control—are you working for your technology, or is it working for you?

·    Practical tips for creating healthier habits around cell phone and TV usage


Resources mentioned in this episode:

•       Tech Wise Family by Andy Crouch

•       Habits of the Household by Justin Whitmel Early

•       The Digital Fast by Darren Whitehead 


Recommended questions for reflection mentioned in this episode:

•      What is the primary purpose of this device?

•      Where will I charge my phone? Where is its home?

•      When will I look at it first time in the morning?

•      What time will I put it away at night?

•      Where do I keep it during meals?

•      In what situations will I not have my phone out?

•      Which apps are most unhealthy for me?

•      How will I interact with my phone when I’m driving? In meetings? with people I love?


Have a topic suggestion or question? Email MercyTalk.


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