
Latest Episodes
393 | What a Lack of Emotional Health Looks Like – Part 2
In this episode of MercyTalk, we continue our conversation on emotional health and how it impacts our spiritual maturity. We specifically dive into three of []
392 | Conflict and the Lie of False Peacemaking with Jeff Helton
In this episode of MercyTalk, we continue diving into the Top Ten Symptoms of Emotionally Unhealthy Spirituality from Pete Scazzeros book, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. One []
391 | What a Lack of Emotional Health Looks Like
In this episode of MercyTalk, we continue our conversation on emotional health and how it impacts our spiritual maturity. We specifically dive into three of []
390 | How Emotional Health Impacts Spiritual Maturity
In this episode of MercyTalk, we begin a conversation on the topic of emotional health and how it impacts our spiritual maturity. We introduce some []
389 | God Cares About Mental Health
On todays episode of MercyTalk, we recognize World Mental Health Day with a reflection on how God cares deeply about mental health! For some, mental []