Lady's N Defense

Lady's N Defense

Latest Episodes

The Pyramid Of Control
October 13, 2019

The pyramid of control is a hierarchy of foundational control, that determines how we see ourselves and our interactions within the world in which we exist.

Self-Defense Practice And Muscle Memory
October 04, 2019

Hello Lady warriors coach D here and welcome back to Lady’s N Defense Today I would like to discuss a statement which I seem to keep reading and hearing frequently and that statement is “You do not need to master a martial art or spend years training t...

The First Step in Self-Defense
August 21, 2018

  There are numerous misconceptions when it comes to self-defense.First, size doesn’t matter at all. Second, you don’t need to be a martial arts expert.Third, the first step in self-defense is not all of the moves that you will learn in a self-defense ...

8 Street Smart Tips
August 21, 2017

While searching the web for topics on street smarts I came across this post by Mr.Amante It's rare to read anything written from a true (street perspective) so I thought this one should truly be shared,I know from a dating advice site to a women's self...

8 Street Smart Tips
August 21, 2017

Street smarts are something that are invaluable to know,

Combative Engagement
August 13, 2017

In this episode I talk about combative engagement the do's and donts I begin speaking about the time it takes for martial mastery, compared to the relative small amount of time it takes to learn self protection.

Combative Engagement
August 13, 2017

I begin speaking about the time it takes for martial mastery,

June 04, 2017

Sometimes being alone is definitely not the best thing for you. While being alone is inevitable at times, happens due to busy schedule, you are asked to stay late in a hotel, arrive early at a location while no-one else is around,

The Fear Factor
June 04, 2017

Fear One topic not spoken on the regular is fear.The main factor which holds us all back from achieving our goals, whatever they may be ,there is fear of failure fear of success growth fear of others and the unknown name it we have fear of it.

Body Language And Confidence
March 12, 2017

Nothing speaks louder,than the cue’s we give through body language. The way you feel about yourself,is reflected in your posture,facial expressions and overall appearance. The appearance issue needs be discussed a bit further,