Mental Fitness Matters®

Coaching with Intention with Frankie Littlejohn | MFM 142 RADIO SHOW WSIC 105.9FM #118
Learn Coaching with Intention with Frankie Littlejohn. Coaching is no easy job. You are tasked with balancing the performance of a team while striving to develop well-rounded, confident, and kind individuals.
Frankie LittleJohn
Head Women & Men’s Track & Field Coach at Pine Lake Prep Defensive end/Center for the National Arena Football Leagues Carolina Predators Defensive End/Center for the TEAM USA National All-star team 2019 inducted into the European Football Hall of fame for TEAM USA International for playing 12 years in Italy, Germany, France BS in Exercise Science from North Greenville University with Minor in Psychology. BS in Neuromuscular Science from Winston Salem State University
Topic :
- As a former collegiate athlete, a current athlete, and a coach, talk about the importance of guidance not just in competing, but in preparation.
- What are you seeing as some of the biggest changes as it relates to talking about the importance of not just training your body, but training your mind?
- What are the biggest mental fitness hurdles you see in our youth today and how do we coach for the 21st century? What if anything needs to shift?
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