Mental Health & Faith

Latest Episodes
58. Wellness Tools – Part 3
Affirmations & Journaling In this third of four episodes on wellness, Caroline shares information on how to use affirmations and journaling to improve mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Affirmat
57. Wellness Tools – Part 2
Christian meditation In part 2 of the Wellness Tools series, Caroline presents eight types of Christian Meditation based on an article called "What is the best type of meditation?" from Medical News T
56. Wellness and Wellness Tools
wellness and wellness tools What is wellness? In this episode Caroline will define "wellness" and discuss the importance of using wellness tools to find peace and calmness in the midst of chaos. The e
55. Fighting Goliath with Jesslyn McCutcheon
Facing The Giant: Bipolar Disorder Jessyln McCutcheon spent twenty years battling a giant in her life. A diagnosis of bipolar I revealed the giant's name, and then the real work began. Hear Jesslyn's
54. What is Selective Mutisim? with Nanette Holloway
SELECTIVE MUTISM - social anxiety Nanette Holloway shares her experience with selective mutism, a condition typically found in childhood and occasionally continuing into adulthood. The Cleveland Clini
53. The Imagine Project with Brant Winn
"Imagine" Brant Winn was so impressed with a workshop he attended by Dianne Mahoney that he has now become an active proponent of The Imagine Project, an approach to mental wellness through "imagining
52. Breathing & Wellness with Dentist Tim Doolin
The importance of breathing Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. (Genesis 2:7, NASB) Dentistry invol
51. Heartache, Grief, and God with Judith Vander Wege
Judith Vander Wege has been a Christian freelance writer for 44 years. On today's episode, she shares about the heartache she's endured over her life and how God has walked with her through the pain a
50. A Christian Approach to Mental Health with Warren Kinghorn
WAYFARING: A CHRISTIAN APPROACH TO MENTAL HEALTH Warren Kinghorn is a psychiatrist, theological ethicist, and author. But more than anything, he is a man of God who desires to keep faith at the forefr
49. Surviving Suicide with Chris Morris
Carolines guest, Chris Morris, has a story to tell. In episode 48, he shares important tips for finding a therapist based on his challenging experience. Additionally, Chris talks about the importance