Mediate This!
Latest Episodes
What Can And Can't Be Mediated?
A listener writes in and asks, "Matthew, What can and what cannot be mediated?" Matthew Brickman answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points:Assume nothing.Know who you are before you get married. Know who
Online Mediation Vs In-Person Mediation in 2024
A listener writes in and asks, "Matthew, What are the benefits of online mediation vs in-person now that we're in 2024 post-covid and why should I choose virtual?" Matthew Brickman answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes ove
Are There Hidden Players At Your Mediation?
A listener writes in and asks, "Are there hidden players at my mediation unknown to me?" Matthew Brickman answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points:Assume nothing.Know who you are before you get married.
What Are the Implications of Parental Kidnapping Both During and Post-Divorce?
A listener writes in and asks, "What Are the Implications of Parental Kidnapping Both During and Post-Divorce?" Matthew Brickman answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points:Assume nothing.Know who you are
Will The Cost of Divorce Rise With Inflation?
A listener writes in and asks, "In 2024, and moving forward, do you see the price of divorce rising with inflation?" Matthew Brickman answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points:Assume nothing.Know who you
If I'm Laid Off Do I Still Have to Pay Alimony While Waiting For a Modification?
A listener writes in and asks, "If I'm paying alimony and suddenly laid off, what do I do while waiting for a modification if I cannot afford to pay?" Matthew Brickman answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key
Conversation With Rebecca Palmer Esq. On Law Changes in Parenting, Paternity and Timesharing
In 2023, there were a number of changes in the State of Florida in regard to almost everything under the umbrella of parenting. Matthew Brickman and family law attorney and mediator Rebecca Palmer Esq. deep-dive into these changes, what's good, what's no
Conversation With Rebecca Palmer Esq. On Current Divorce Trends
There's a little know statistic among the public but well known among divorce attorneys and mediators. January is the most common month for divorce, but why is that so? Matthew Brickman and family law attorney and mediator Rebecca Palmer Esq. go beneath
Interview with Ginger Gentile - Director of Erasing Family - Part 2
Ginger Gentile is best known for directing "Erasing Family", which exposes the trauma children suffer when a loving parent is erased from their lives after divorce, a problem facing 22 million families in the US alone. The film was made after a nearly hal
Interview with Ginger Gentile - Director of Erasing Family - Part 1
Ginger Gentile is best known for directing "Erasing Family", which exposes the trauma children suffer when a loving parent is erased from their lives after divorce, a problem facing 22 million families in the US alone. The film was made after a nearly hal