Market Dominance Guys

Market Dominance Guys

Latest Episodes

Marketing Language Kills Sales Conversations
September 09, 2020

How long will it take to get the meeting? You have three steps first:1. Make the list. And review that list and eliminate the dumb titles. Chris is a fan of Zoominfo.2. Write the messaging. Remember, one turn of phrase can kill the meeting. Marketing ...

Modern Sales is a Collaborative Exercise in Search.
September 02, 2020

The sales lead discernment process is similar to search results. The ones that come up on the first page are the ones you interact with. It's like a discovery call.  A discovery call's purpose isn't to say, "I'm going to buy." One of the biggest mistake..

It's the CEO's Job to Feel the Ice Rather than Harpoon the Whale
August 27, 2020

CEOs are allowed to have weird thoughts and consider odd possibilities. You need input from the market you don't have yet. This is why a CEO needs to be selling to understand what is actually happening. Their job is to feel the ice rather than just send..

The We're Set objection and why introverts make the best salespeople.
August 18, 2020

Marketing can step in and help sales overcome it.1. Beginning: listen to discovery conversations.2. Middle: look at support tickets to see the unvarnished truth.3. End: work on getting the pipeline to be seen as an asset, it belongs on the balance sh...

91% of All Marketing Dollars are a Waste.
August 10, 2020

Only 9% of all MQ's (marketing qualified leads) every result in a conversation. Worse than that, you have now stimulated your target audience to explore and investigate your competition. 91% of all marketing dollars are a waste. This is because Sales on..

We need to do together before we partner together.
August 04, 2020

 Part 2 of the interview with SADA CEO, Tony Safoian. Questions answered include How is Google going to support my enterprise business better than its competitors. Needs have changed, demand for "bat phone" support is now part of any proposal. Every cu...

Manufacture Trust at Scale and Pace to Grow Exponentially
July 28, 2020

 The rate of growth SADA has experienced gives them credibility when their CEO, Tony Safoian explains that in order to scale you have to manufacture trust at pace. SADA does one thing exceptionally well, they transform companies into a cloud solution ...

Every Mitigation is Untested - WFH or Going Back to the Office
July 22, 2020

This episode of Market Dominance Guys starts with Chris recapping the numbers from the previous episode on the tremendous infusion of savings Work From Home creates as knowledge workers are no longer required to go into an office to be productive. Quite..

Work From Home Injects Over $1 Trillion Into the Economy
July 15, 2020

  There's a whole bunch of commuters that are used to driving to cities. And I think it would be good and very timely talk a little bit about some of the things that we've learned and this massive economy that is forming from the non-commuter economy,...

Why CEO's Need to be Selling
July 08, 2020

 You have this issue that has to be solved, but it's very rare that the company's issue of staying in business is actually tied tightly to individual reps needing to make the number. Where that came from was as a way of assessing performance within the...