Marathon Training Academy

Marathon Training Academy

Q and A with Dean Karnazes

August 01, 2014

Death Valley sunsetDean Karnazes is author of the NY Times best selling book Ultra-Marathon Man –Confessions of an all Night Runner. He is known for pushing the limits of human endurance, like when he ran 350 continuous miles without sleep, or the time he ran 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days.

Dean is also an accomplished entrepreneur and motivational speaker. He has succeeded in convincing millions of people that they can go far beyond their perceived limitations.

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List of questions

Questions for Dean

  1. What are you up to these days? Are you training for any ultras?
  2. Tell us about Karno Kids
  3. What’s the most beautiful place you have run?
  4. Have you ever been to Missouri?
  5. What secrets do you have to staying healthy with all of the running you do? -Kristi
  6. In the past you famously were known for eating a whole pizza while running long distance. Has your eating philosophy changed over the years? What do you typically eat, especially while training? -Liz
  7. What do you think about while running? Do you listen to music or podcasts? -Taylor
  8. What’s your mantra for when things get tough? -Colleen
  9. What advice would you give for someone wanting to get into ultra-marathoning? -Shira
  10. Dean is my hero!!! Does he have any tips on dealing with injury? -James
  11. With all you’ve accomplished, can you still relate to the 5k, 10k, half and full marathoner that are attempting a distance further than they’ve ever gone? What truth based on your experiences can you share that will resonate with those still on the first few rungs of their running journey? -Andy
  12. What I really want to know is how I can isolate and clone his genes so that I, too, will never produce lactate when running. Since gene therapy is years away, how do you maintain your motivation to run year after year, especially since you’ve already completed so many major accomplishments? How do you keep it fresh? -Johanna
  13. I read his book a while back – I would want to know what were the one or two low spots in your running career and how you got through them? -Foti
  14. What prompted you to become a runner again at the age of 30?
  15. Speak to that person that feels stuck.
  16. Any advice for attaining one’s perfect life?
  17. Ask him how he enjoyed being in Calgary for the 50th Marathon? -Jenny (on the board of the Calgary marathon and picked him up from the airport)
  18. Where can people see you next?

Also Mentioned in This Episode

Strava – a place to upload and track your training progress from any gps device.