Lord of My Life

Lord of My Life

Latest Episodes

Praise The Lord
September 12, 2018

God is worthy to be praised.

Restful Souls
September 10, 2018

His yoke is easy and his burden is light.

September 07, 2018

God is a just God

The Work
September 05, 2018

Our job is to believe in Jesus.

Agonizing Choice
September 03, 2018

No one is ever prepared to be tortured.

Wisdom and Direction
August 31, 2018

We we pray for wisdom, we must have faith.

On Your Faith
August 29, 2018

Every believer needs to rely on their own faith first.

Turn and Live
August 27, 2018

God's forgiveness is absolute.

Fallout of Sin
August 24, 2018

There is more at stake when we sin than we realize.

Idols of the Heart
August 22, 2018

Make sure your heart is pure before God.