Lord of My Life

Lord of My Life

Latest Episodes

Percentage vs. Amount
October 05, 2018

Jesus cares more about the percentage than the amount.

Not Your Words
October 03, 2018

Our words never saved anyone.

In Vain
October 01, 2018

Focus on the Lord when you are doing his work.

Jesus Understands
September 28, 2018

Jesus understands us because he became like us.

The Mirror
September 26, 2018

Like a mirror, the bible reflects who we really are.

Hardened Hearts
September 24, 2018

If you hear Christ calling, don't harden your hearts.

New Wineskins
September 21, 2018

To become a new wineskin, we need to fast.

Is Jesus Serious?
September 19, 2018

If you believe you will receive?

One in Spirit
September 17, 2018

We need to be united in spirit and purpose.

Give Account
September 14, 2018

Even the words that you speak will be judged.