Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

Latest Episodes

Longevity Lessons from the Blue Zones with Nick Buettner
October 11, 2019

We are excited to have as our next guest on our Radio show Nick Buettner.

Virtual Reality for Seniors: The Rendever Experience with Kyle Rand
October 04, 2019

This episode of the Living to 100 Club Radio Show explores the development and use of Virtual Reality for seniors, an immersive visual experience that expands the world of the viewer, provides opportunities to virtually leave the four walls of their re...

Adult Day Care for Those Affected by Alzheimer’s Disease with Scott Tarde
September 27, 2019

This episode of the Living to 100 Club Radio show explores adult day care programs, and the support, education, and crisis management provided to families whose loved ones have Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia.

The Pursuit of Sexual Wellness and Rights in Later Life with Dr. Maggie Syme
September 20, 2019

Today we are going to discuss the diversity of sexual expression in older adulthood, and how to pursue sexual wellness in later life. What does it mean to be sexually well in later life?

Living to Be 100 with Dr. Michael Howard
September 06, 2019

In this episode, we take a close look at lifestyle steps that everyone can take to living longer, healthier lives and even make it to 100 years of age.

The Intersection of Older Adults and Technology with Dr. Geoff Lane
August 30, 2019

This episode of the Living to 100 Club Radio show takes a close look at how technological innovation can improve the health and well being of older adults.

Riding the Waves of Time: What Married Older Couples can Teach Us with Craig and Debbie Lambert
August 23, 2019

This episode takes an in-depth look at our relationships, what makes them satisfying, how to improve them, and how to use them in our quest to living longer.

Helping People Find Hope, Humor, and Heart in Caregiving with Elaine Sanchez
August 16, 2019

Today is guest is Elaine K Sanchez, caregiver speaker, co-founder of CaregiverHelp.

How to Prepare for a Peaceful Death with Dr. Faye Girsh
August 09, 2019

Even though we could live to be 100 we will all ultimately — like all living things -- die. Dying can be a painful experience where dignity, control and sometimes, personhood, are lost. The motto of the Hemlock Society is Good Life Good Death.

Lives Well Lived with Skye Bergman
August 02, 2019

This episode is dedicated to the film, “Lives Well Lived” directed and produced by Sky Bergman, Professor of Photography and Video at Cal Poly State University in San Luis Obispo, California. Sky Bergman is an accomplished, award-winning photographer.