Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

Life Doesn’t Happen to You…You Happen to Life

November 04, 2022
This Living to 100 Club conversation focuses on the importance of mindset and overcoming our limiting self-beliefs. Life doesn't happen to you, you happen to life, says our guest, Sandy Weston. Sandy is an exercise physiologist, and former owner of health clubs. Sandy has hosted her own Podcast for 10 years focusing on removing our negative beliefs, fears, and anxieties. We discuss how long-standing fears and beliefs can hold us back, and how it is never too late to tackle these limiting beliefs. What tools and exercises can we use to remove these barriers, and free up our true body-mind-spirit energies? How does journaling help? What about best practices for starting our day? We tackle these and other important questions in this Living to 100 Club Podcast. Join us.

Mini Bio

Sandy Joy Weston M.Ed. is a keynote speaker, podcaster, 3x published author, and entrepreneur, who has owned and operated health and wellness companies for over 30 years. Sandy is the founder of SJW Productions, whose main mission is to highlight all the positive in the world. In addition to her speaking, she does this through her podcasts, her books, Train Your Head & Your Body Will Follow, My 30-Day Reset Journal, Recess to Reset, and her coaching and workshops. Sandy’s mission is to spread pure joy and inspire others to see their true power. In her keynote, Life Doesn’t Happen to You…You Happen to Life, she shows how just taking 1-3 minutes a day to focus on how you want to show up in the world can have a huge impact on your life.

For Our Listeners

Sandy's Website: Sandy Joy Weston

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