Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

Becoming More Empowered by Owning the Story about Who We Are

October 04, 2022
Becoming More Empowered by Owning the Story about Who We Are

Our guest for this Podcast is Vicki Dello Joio. Be sure to join us for this conversation as we explore the ways we can become empowered in our senior years. What is the story or definition we have about our self as we age? Is this story influenced by others or is it our own?  Is it possible to take a more empowered journey ahead by drawing on our accumulated wisdom and life experience? What can we offer the world in our senior years and what inspired action are we capable of? As our guest is also an experienced Qigong practitioner, we also learn about home exercises to cultivate a sense of balance in our lives. This is an insightful, uplifting conversation about new opportunities ahead.

Mini Bio

Vicki Dello Joio draws on decades of theater performance and directing experience, along with her life-long study of martial arts to fire up visionary speakers to amplify their charisma and deliver their message with passion, presence, and power. A seasoned transformational speaker herself, her methods for both crafting stories AND her focus on the energy behind how they are told have touched and transformed hundreds of speakers to stand and deliver with joy, confidence, and ease. Vicki is also a Qigong master teacher, entered into the Women’s Martial Artists Instructors Hall of Fame. Since 1975, her Spiritual Fitness” program and book, The Way of Joy, has transformed the lives of thousands of participants, empowering them to infuse body-mind-spirit practices into their very cells so they can tap into their birthright of joy — use it as a fuel not a goal — for a lifetime.

For Our Listeners

Vicki's e-Guide: Let's Get Real about Charisma

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