Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

Medical Issues and Problematic Behaviors Facing Older Adults with Dementia

August 04, 2022
Medical Issues and Problematic Behaviors Facing Older Adults with Dementia

In this Living to 100 Club Podcast, we explore the topic of dementia with our guest, Dr. Elizabeth Landsverk. Our guest is a geriatrician in San Francisco. She provides house calls for the most difficult to treat behaviors in dementia. Dr. Landsverk has written a book, Living in the Moment, for the care of dementia for both families and professionals. In this conversation, we discuss early detection of dementia, what science has taught us about preventing it, and different types or forms of this condition.

What do families need to know about its progression? What are the problematic behaviors in dementia? How can families best communicate with a person with a dementing condition, and what do people misunderstand about dementia? Where do medications come in, and is there a misguided use of nutritional supplements promoting its cure? Our guest has seen much in her career with dementia patients and their families. Tune in to learn what Dr. Landsverk shares in this Podcast.

Mini Bio

Elizabeth (Dr Liz) has over twenty years of experience in providing medical care to the elders. She is board-certified in Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, and Palliative Care Medicine. Dr Landsverk founded ElderConsult Geriatric Medicine, a house calls practice, to address the challenging medical and behavioral issues often facing older patients and their families.

Dr Landsverk was an assistant professor of Medicine at University of California, San Francisco. She also was an adjunct professor of Medicine at Stanford University, as well as consultant to the San Francisco Elder Abuse Forensics Center and Hospice Medical Director.

She is currently the Medical Director for Silverado and Kensington Dementia Care Communities, as well as on the Scientific Panel for the Alzheimer’s Association. Dr Landsverk graduated from Stanford University, and trained at Cambridge Hospital, Harvard University, and Mt Sinai Medical School.

As a House Calls Geriatrician, she collaborates with local physicians to address the needs of complicated vulnerable elders to alleviate pain, agitation, and discomfort through the utilization of geriatric and palliative care techniques.

Items for Our Listeners

* Elizabeth's website: Dr. Liz Geriatrics* Elizabeth's book: Living in the Moment

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