Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

Is Dementia Preventable? Listen in on Our Latest Podcast

July 28, 2022
Is Dementia Preventable? Listen to Our Latest Podcast to Learn More

The science of dementia is ever expanding, with new findings emerging daily about the causes, especially those that may be preventable.  Our guest for this Living to 100 Club Podcast is Dr. Paula Hartman-Stein, a geropsychologist and co-author of a chapter, Preventing What’s Preventable in Dementia, in a new text, Handbook of Evidence-Based Prevention of Behavioral Disorders in Integrated Care.

Paula has been a previous guest on our Podcast series. She joins us today to discuss what we have learned about risk factors for dementia, and the lifestyle factors that may account for as much as 40% of dementia cases worldwide. Can we change or modify these risk factors? If so, does the risk of developing dementia decrease? How big of a role does better nutrition and diet play in reducing our risk? This conversation is at the state of the art of what is known about preventing dementing illnesses. We are fortunate to have an authority like Dr. Hartman-Stein share this with us. Be sure to tune in.


Mini Bio

Paula Hartman-Stein, Ph.D. is a nationally recognized clinical psychologist, gerontology educator, and journalist. After retiring from full-time work as a clinician in private practice and Associate Professor at Northeast Ohio Medical University and adjunct professor at the University of Akron and Kent State University, Dr. Hartman-Stein currently works part-time as a consultant & educator, offering lively presentations to community and professional groups on healthy aging and improving memory skills. This fall she has a new role as adjunct professor at Brevard College, Brevard, NC, teaching lifespan development. Broadening her promotion of the power of the pen, she leads writing workshops, on Zoom or in person, as an approach to reduce stress, deepen spirituality, and enhance optimal aging.

Items for Our Listeners

Paula's Website: Center for Healthy Aging

Resource on U.S.D.A.'s Diet and Nutrition: My Plate

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