Living to 100 Club

Personality Disorders in Older Adults: Insights from a Subject Matter Expert
This Living to 100 Podcast explores the nature of psychological disorders in late life. Our guest is Dr. Erlene Rosowsky, a Professor in the Clinical Psychology Department at William James College and Teaching Associate in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Erlene shares with our audience descriptions of psychological disorders in older adults, with a special focus on what are called personality disorders. This disorder is described as an unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning, and behaving.
Those with personality disorders have trouble understanding and relating to situations and people. This causes major problems and limitations in relationships, social activity, work, and school. Dr. Rosowsky explains why individuals with these conditions often blame others for their problems and distress. Importantly, we look further into how older adults experience and display these conditions. And, importantly, we talk about how to interact and communicate with these individuals, especially when they are stressed.
Mini Bio
Erlene Rosowsky, PsyD is Professor in the Clinical Psychology Department at William James College (WJC). Prior to her retirement she served as Director of the Concentration in Geropsychology and the Founding Director of the WJC Alliance for Aging. She is a Teaching Associate in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Rosowsky has achieved international recognition as an expert on late-life personality disorders. She is well published in the professional literature and has authored three books, numerous chapters, articles, and columns.
In 2011, 2012 and 2017 Dr. Rosowsky was a Fulbright Specialist Scholar in global/public health visiting The Netherlands, Belgium, and China. In 2012, Dr. Rosowsky received the American Society on Aging Award for “outstanding contributions to the field of aging.” In 2020, Dr. Rosowsky was the recipient of the first annual Michael Duffy, PhD Award for “Outstanding Contributions to Training and Mentorship of Psychology in Long Term Care.”
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