Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

Discover Your Purpose: The Courage to Come Out of Retirement

March 31, 2022
Discover Your Purpose: The Courage to Come Out of Retirement

This Living to 100 Club Podcast invites as its guest George Jerjian, who shares his insights about embracing later life. George’s book, Dare to Discover Your Purpose, is also the title of his online program. Here, participants, aged 55+, examine conventional approaches to retirement, learn to make choices to prosper, and learn to fulfill their true potential. We discuss how George serves as a “mindset mentor” for retiring baby boomers. Find out how he helps them discover that in the afternoon of their lives, they deserve a life of purpose and passion.

Are we living a life of purpose or are we simply filling time? What is a growth mindset, and how do we find ways to grow? In his DARE program, discover your thoughts about retirement. Learn to assimilate new information. Re-wire the new views. And expand into new opportunities. Hear the approaches and solutions he offers to listeners? Join us for this inspiring conversation.

Mini Bio

With a business degree from Bradford University in England (1973) and a master’s degree in Journalism from New York University (1993), George has been in business for 40 years. He has been a Chartered Marketer for 35 years and a partner in US commercial real estate for 35 years. In addition, he served as a financial adviser for five years in the 1990s.

George is an Emmy-award-winning producer, a Distinguished Toastmaster, and author of 10 books. His 10th book, Spirit of Gratitude: Crises are Opportunities, gained him international media recognition. His online program – Dare to Discover Your Purpose – is a pioneering program and the first of its kind serving the retiring baby boomer market.

A lifelong maverick, pioneer, and rebel, life has given George Jerjian successes and failures. Now it’s all about making a difference with work that has meaning for him. This especially includes helping retiring baby-boomers recreate a life of purpose, passion, and potential. These better reflect how we live today: fit, healthy, active, and socially engaged — just like him.

Items for Our Listeners

George's Website:

George's latest book: Dare to Discover Your Purpose: Retire, Refire, Rewire

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