Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

Overcoming Self-doubt and an Insecure Mindset the Jill Phillips Way

March 16, 2022
Overcoming Self-doubt and an Insecure Mindset the Jill Phillips Way

This is an exciting and inspiring Living to 100 Club conversation with someone who has worked in her post-50 years to cultivate confidence, while overcoming self-doubt and breaking through long held limitations. Our guest, Jill Phillips, shares with our audience how she decided to pursue her life goals after retirement. This included pursuing a graduate degree, writing a book about growing up in London in the early 1960’s, and running a 5k marathon. Jill is checking off items on her bucket list and helping others do the same.

For our guest, age is not a limitation. As she says, “We can succeed in goals we never thought we could accomplish. We can re-position our mindset and cultivate our confidence.” Jill shares the ways she overcame her self-doubt and self-limiting ideas. And she offers ways others can overcome many of their own struggles, too.

Importantly, we explore a world that can’t be visited anymore – South East London, 1963 – when we discuss her book, Lamlash Street: A Portrait of the 1960’s Post-war London.

Mini Bio

Jill Phillips is an author and retired Occupational Therapist. Motivated by the retelling of family stories, she wrote Lamlash Street. This is about navigating family life in London after World War II. She is a storyteller with a passion to inspire families to connect through the telling of their past. Jill spent 30 years working as an Occupational Therapist and Hospital manager before retiring. She was not interested in slowing down the pace of life as she neared retirement. Instead, she refocused her efforts enjoying each day with a zest for life. She is currently splitting her time between the UK and Canada, maintaining close contacts with family. At the same time, she is discovering more fascinating family stories. Learn more at

Items for Our Listeners

Jill's Book: Lamlash Street: A Portrait of 1960's Post-War London Through One Family's Story

Jill's Website

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