Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

Learn How the Principle of “Resonant Frequency” Can Save Your Energy

February 15, 2022
Learn How the Principle of "Resonant Frequency" Can Save Your Energy

Our guest for this Living to 100 Club Podcast is Dr. Xu Simon. Xu (pronounced shoe) combines her love for science, health, and entrepreneurship to discuss the topic of resonant frequency. Although this topic is not a common one, it combines a basic physics principle with the well-known psychological themes of burnout, boundaries, and flow. Our guest has a unique way of thinking about why striving for our goals can backfire. She provides a framework for getting the most out of life while maintaining our energy. When we are not using our “best frequency” in our everyday actions, we lose ground. And, our expectation of “more” often yields less. Without resonance, the energy we expend is not productive.

In this conversation, we translate this physics principle into practical, everyday applications for the 50+ population. Could our attempts at aging wellness – physical fitness, proper diet, social networks, mindset – bring us diminishing returns if we are out of resonance? Tune in to find out.

Mini Bio

Xu Simon had completed her PhD in science and was on track for a research-intensive academic career when she took a chance. She followed the love of her life – now husband of 17 years – to Washington, D.C. for a two-year stint as a government contractor in the US Department of State’s diplomatic office in charge of reducing the threat of chemical weapons use abroad. Her contract spanned the 2013 Syria chemical weapons crisis, giving her invaluable international crisis response experience. Additionally, she learned that although her PhD training showed her how to think deeply and to create new knowledge, it did not address the challenge of integrating that knowledge into the larger society that really needs it.  So, she augmented her education by earning an MBA in global business.

Now, she uses her combined technical and business acumen as a public speaker, entrepreneur, executive, educator, parent, and coach. She uses formal mediation skills and basic science principles to empower people to hear and work with their own internal wisdom so they can filter out what’s not working and make room for what does.

Items for Our Listeners

Xu's website:

Xu's Instagram account: xufits_speaker

Transcribed Copy: Get One Here

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