Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

Aging with Grace: Goals, Roots, Attitude, Companionship and Environment

December 13, 2021

The guest for this Living to 100 Club podcast is a Geriatric Physician, Dr. David Bernstein. Our topic is "aging with grace." We explore the essentials for living a long, healthy life from the eyes of a pioneering medical doctor. David has 40 years of experience in the care of the elderly. We discuss memory function, driving issues, inflammation, and lifestyle factors that protect the brain. What are the leading causes of illness and disability that accompany advancing years? What are changes that anyone can make starting today to living longer and healthier. Also on the program will be discussions of his many books. This includes I’ve Got Some Good News and Bad News: You’re Old. Be sure to tune in to learn more about what to expect in your 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and beyond.

Mini Bio

David Bernstein MD is board certified in both Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, with 40 years of experience in his field. His insight and ability to monitor patient patterns and outcomes make him a sought-after expert and presenter. He is a graduate of Albany Medical College and has served as chairman of his hospital's Pharmacy and Therapeutic committee. For 20 years, hi srole was to improve patient safety and outcomes. He worked as an associate clinical professor in the department of medicine at the University of South Florida College of Medicine. Dr. Bernstein has also taught his acquired skills to first- and second-year students.

Dr. Bernstein has authored several books, including three Amazon Top 20 books; I've Got Some Good News and Some Bad News: You're OLD, Tales of a Geriatrician, What to Expect in Your 60s, 70s, 80s, and Beyond, Senior Driving Dilemmas, Lifesaving Strategies, and The Power of 5: The Ultimate Formula for Longevity and Remaining Youthful.

Items Mentioned for Our Listeners

David's Website:

David's Books: I've Got Some Good News and Some Bad News: You're Old, Senior Diving Dilemmas, The Power of 5: A Journey for Health, Longevity and Wellness