Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

Micro-nutrients as a Biomarker of Wellness

November 24, 2021

Micro-nutrients as a Biomarker of Wellness

This Living to 100 Club conversation explores the scientific breakthrough involving a new biomarker. This biomarker indicates the presence or deficiency of micro-nutrients in our body. Our guest is Dr. Hans Parge, whose background is in biomedical research. Though it has always been measurable in blood serum, we discuss how the presence of carotenoids in our system can now more easily be measured. This carotenoid level equates to a measure of vegetable consumption. In turn, this gives us a picture of our “nutritional competence.”

Hans discusses the significance of this nutritional competence, and describes the science of BioPhotonics. Using a BioPhotonic scanner, the level of micro-nutrients in the surface of your palm are detectable. This yields a Skin Carotenoid Score. In short, the score reflects a measure of the skin's carotenoid content. This is directly associated with the body's antioxidant defense system. Because the test is non-invasive, no blood needs to be drawn, and a licensed health provider is not needed to administer it. Tune in for a fascinating development in advancing wellness.

Mini Bio

Dr. Hans’ background is in biomedical research and pharmaceutical drug discovery. His basic training is as an X-ray crystallographer. For his graduate work, he did his Ph.D. at Trinity College in Dublin and post-doctorate work in Berlin at the Free University, the University of Edinburgh, and the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla. Importantly, his work at the Scripps was on the atomic structural analysis of proteins, the molecules of life. In 1993 he joined a startup company that pioneered Structure-Based Drug Design in the Pharmaceutical drug discovery process. In 2009 Dr. Hans moved into the world of wellness, prevention, and youthful aging. He now helps people take control of their health and age by design with the goal of dying young as late in life as possible.

Item for Our Listeners

Contact for Hans Parge: Hans Parge -Holistic Wellness and Youthful Aging - Your Holistic Academy