Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

A Pathway to Insight: Release Inner Tension with Emotion Freedom Therapy

October 10, 2021

A Pathway to Insight: Releasing Inner Tension with Emotion Freedom Therapy

This is a Living to 100 Club conversation about moving beyond unpleasant memories through the power of one’s awareness. Ann Hince is our guest. Using Emotion Freedom Therapy (EFT), Ann has developed the ability to sense inside her body, and release physical tension stored in her connective tissue. Our guest shares her journey and breaks down the steps she took to attain what she calls the ability to see within the body. 

We discuss the therapeutic process involved in EFT and how it can be used to release bodily tension. This tension can easily accumulate with our advancing age. How does a lack of awareness of our emotions cause harm? How did our guest  overcome trauma from something she experienced twenty years earlier by following her doctor’s use of EFT? Ann shares a brief EFT exercise that our listeners can experience on their own. Tune in for an insightful conversation.

Mini Bio

When Ann was 19, she woke one morning to find her mother dead face down in her bathroom. Twenty years later the tears from that trauma were still just under the surface.

It took one 15 minute session with a strange technique to remove the charge from that event and be able to tell the story with no emotion. That one session set her on a journey to not only release the trauma from past memories, but to get beyond that, into the subconscious mind to release tension stored deep in her body, simply using the power of her awareness.

Much of the time, society tells us, and therefore we tell ourselves, that we shouldn’t be feeling what we are feeling. Ann has found that seeking out our truth, what we truly feel, and accepting those feelings, is the key to inner peace.

Once we change our inside, our outside changes.

Items Mentioned for Our Listeners

Ann's Book: A Pathway to Insight

Ann's Website: AnnHince