Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

The Hospice Doctor's Widow: How to be at Peace with the Inevitability of Death

June 03, 2021

Our guest on this podcast is Jennifer O’Brien. Jennifer lost her husband to cancer after his long medical career of caring for his own patients, including those on hospice. Two years ago, Jennifer wrote a book titled The Hospice Doctor’s Widow: A Journal. Here, she describes the caregiving process during her husband’s journey. And, she shares the important steps and actions to consider during anyone's terminal illness.

We discuss Jennifer’s book, recently honored with the Silver Nautilus Award in the Death & Dying/Grief & Loss category. In addition, Jennifer describes her “At Peace Tool Kit” for advanced care planning, medical ID, and “conversation starters” to ease talking about death. In all, this conversation wrestles with our mortality, opens doors to enjoy the beauty in our lives, and describes one person's “journey from heartache to helpful.”

Mini Bio

Jennifer O’Brien helps people talk about caregiving and end of life. She encourages compassionate, real conversation in her book, The Hospice Doctor’s Widow: A Journal. She shares her story of caregiving through collage and writings. Jennifer lives in Little Rock, Arkansas, where she is an artist and advocate for dialogue about end of life. Additionally, for more than thirty years, she has been a practice management consultant to physicians and served as CEO for two large medical practices. Visit her website,

Items Mentioned for Our Listeners

Jennifer's book, The Hospice Doctor's Widow: A Journal

Our guest's website, Hospice Doctor's Widow

At Peace Toolkit

Podcasting Award

The Living to 100 Podcast was selected among the Top 20 Aging Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021 by Feedspot RSS News Reader. Thanks to all of our listeners for tuning in, and to our guests for the great conversations.