Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

How Cancer Works in Our Body: Can We Slow Cancer Growth with a Keto Diet?

April 28, 2021

This is a conversation about how cancer works in the body. We cover cancer treatment, ketogenic nutrition, therapeutic fasting, and positivity during the cancer journey. Our guest is Martha Tettenborn, a Registered Dietician with over 30 years of experience working in many areas in nutrition. When diagnosed with Stage 1 ovarian cancer, she began exploring the research of the disease. She discovered the science of cancer metabolism. In this podcast, Martha will help others see cancer differently. It can be seen as an experience that gives you strength, wisdom, and more love for your body and for life. Tune in to hear more about the power of metabolic interventions to support conventional cancer treatment, and how to harness an Uplifting Spirit to Power your journey.

Mini Bio

Martha Tettenborn, RD is a Registered Dietitian and certified Primal Health Coach. She currently works in long-term care with a focus on nursing homes and gerontology. Her private practice, Primal RD, promotes a low-carb and high-fat lifestyle for healthy aging and chronic disease prevention. A cancer survivor since 2018, Martha is an avid hiker, cyclist, live theatre backstage crew member, and a wannabe world adventurer. She lives on the beautiful Bruce Peninsula in central Ontario, Canada with her husband, Mike, a noisy cockatiel named Ziggy, and a flock of backyard chickens. Learn more at Martha’s newest book is Hacking Chemo: Using Ketogenic Diet, Therapeutic Fasting and a Kickass Attitude to Power through Cancer

Items Mentioned for Our Listeners

Martha's website,

Read more about cancer researcher, Otto Warburg, and the Warburg Hypothesis

Martha's Book, Hacking Chemo: Using Ketogenic Diet, Therapeutic Fasting, and a Kickass Attitude to Power through Cancer

Martha's course on Using a Ketogenic Diet for Cancer Treatment

Podcasting Award

The Living to 100 Club Podcast was selected among the Top 20 Aging Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021 by Feedspot RSS News Reader. Thanks to all of our listeners for tuning in, and to our guests for the great conversations.