Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

From the Eyes of Stroke Survivors: How to Let Go of the Past and Prepare for a New Future

April 28, 2021

This conversation takes us inside the heart and mind of two stroke survivors. Jo Ann Glim and Brad Neufeld are co-hosts on their own program, Don’t Count Me Out. Jo Ann and Brad experienced different types of life-changing neurological events. They have now partnered in hosting a program to help other victims of strokes share their own stories and learn about successful coping. How do stroke survivors prepare for a future so different from what was expected. How do we overcome sadness and depression over the losses that are so heavy, for so many? What happens during the grief phase and what comes next? Instead of seeing closed doors, how can we open new doors and explore new opportunities? As Brad says, Every challenge that we face in life is conquerable, especially when we work together.

Mini Bios

Jo Ann Glim was born in Chicago, Illinois to a military family and raised in Anacortes, Washington in the far reaches of the Pacific Northwest. Tragically, Jo Ann's mother passed away from a stroke when Jo Ann was fourteen. This was the beginning of a life-path plotted with many dark events. In her own words, “Instead of consuming me, they made me stronger, and I’m here to tell you, darkness can be replaced with light.” Jo Ann’s three-pronged career of broadcast and print media, freelance writing, and business management formed her into the indie author she is today. Her 5-Star books, the award-winning Begotten With Love, and her newest release Trapped Within, are both non-fiction. They are life-stories filled with challenges, hope, and humor. A paralyzing stroke nearly twenty-four years ago left her most of all, grateful for life itself!

Brad Neufeld is the host of Resilience Talk Network and Co-host of the Podcast, Don’t Count Me Out. ​He has a long history in radio programming and hosting, and has learned to successfully cope with a severe brain abscess and surgery, and subsequent TIA's.

Items Mentioned for Our Listeners

Jo Ann's books, Begotten with Love and Trapped Within

Brad's radio network, Resilience Talk Network

Podcasting Award

The Living to 100 Club Podcast was recently selected among the Top 20 Aging Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021 by Feedspot RSS News Reader. Thanks to all of our listeners for tuning in, and to our guests for the great conversations.