Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

Multiple Sclerosis: Let's Talk About What's Difficult to Talk About

March 17, 2021

What's the journey like for someone with MS, Multiple Sclerosis? Wendy Bjork shares with us the life changes that came with this diagnosis when she was in her 20's. Many of us can relate to or know someone with a limiting, chronic disease but the journey of someone with MS is another story. It is a severe disease of the nervous system that causes difficulty in walking, speaking, and even our cognition, and worsens over time. Our guest relates how she has struggled with the damage done to her body and, equally important, how she has pushed through setbacks, overcome a future outlook filled with worry, and shifted her thinking from negative to positive.

Here are some of the topics we covered:

* How this disease impacted her family and work life* What helped her to see the disease differently* What toxins in her home and foods contributed to inflammation in her body and what she did to change this* How her Four Cornerstones Program helps others with MS better understand what to expect and better manage the effects of this disease.

Learn why Wendy Bjork describes herself as the MS Warrior Queen, and how the human spirit can meet any challenge that comes our way. Her website is Hearts of Wellness, with invaluable resources for helping those with MS get their bodies back to a place of thriving, again.

Mini Bio

Wendy Bjork has been dealing with MS for over 30 years. After years of experiencing all different levels of exacerbation and permanent damage to her nervous system, she decided a few years ago to begin a journey to healing holistically. She is now a mentor to other women diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, empowering them to improve their own Four Cornerstones, their mind, body, relationships, and environment, by bringing out their own MS Warrior Queen.

Learn more about Wendy and her journey to overcome her obstacles, and give others hope.

Items Mentioned for Our Listeners

Pick up a copy of Dr. Casciani’s book: Living Longer IS the New Normal

Wendy Bjork's website, Hearts of Wellness

Wendy's Four Cornerstones Program to help others create their own lifestyle reset.

A Shout Out to the Living to 100 Club Podcast

A “shout out” to our Podcast. The Living to 100 Club Podcast was recently selected among the Top 20 Aging Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021 by Feedspot RSS News Reader. Thanks to all of our listeners for tuning in, and to our guests for the great conversations.