Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

The Power of Positive Psychology with Michelle Gielan

September 25, 2020

How do we ward off stress and negativity? Can we train the brain to experience less stress and greater well-being? Our guest for this episode is one of the foremost experts on positive psychology, and we will focus on applying the latest in positive psychology principles in our lives. Michelle Gielan runs the Institute for Positive Research and investigates how mindset fuels happiness and success for individuals and organizations. Based on the science of happiness and human potential, this episode explores the concept of how we broadcast our world view and can create positive change by broadcasting a worldview that is more empowered, optimistic, and solution-oriented. Michelle has been described by Dr. Oz as “one of the world’s best experts in positive psychology,” and as “an eloquent champion for rethinking the way we communicate” by Ariana Huffington. Join us for this next episode as we learn how positive psychology can influence our outlook and inspire happiness and success.