Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

The Art of Spreading More Living onto Everyday Life with Heidi Herman

August 28, 2020

Now that we are living longer – and have more free time on our hands, questions arise about what to do, especially post-retirement. How do we find ways to add zest to our lives? What can we do to live well at any age? Our guest this week, Heidi Herman, has written a new book that explores these very questions with advice to “keep moving, keep doing, and keep living.” The book’s title, "On With the Butter," comes from an old Icelandic expression that means carry on, forge ahead, and keep doing what you are doing. These expressions fit the Living to 100 Club, move forward with drive and spirit, no matter what obstacles we encounter. Heidi will share stories about her mother, who recovered from a stroke at age 92, and went on to log “93 new activities” between ages 93 and 94, proving you are never too old to have fun. Her mother’s example led Heidi to write this motivational book encouraging anyone to find those activities and experiences. Join us for this inspiring conversation.