Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

Exploring Supportive Environments for Older Adults with Addie Abushousheh

January 17, 2020

This program takes an in-depth look at how environments are, or should be, designed that take into account the normal age-related changes that occur as we get older, as well as creating environments for individuals whose cognition is in sharp decline. Our guest presenter is Addie Abushousheh, PhD, a gerontologist and Research Associate at the Center for Health Design. In this live radio show of the Living to 100 Club, we will explore the current design trends in a variety of residential, skilled and assisted living, and rehabilitation settings, along with specialty environments like adult day care and hospice. And, we will ask what are the features of health care environments that help to reduce impairment, and which design features actually disable those residing in these settings. This discussion will be especially valuable for those seeking to overcome their limitations in private homes, and how to create the most supportive living settings for older adults, at different levels.