Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

Longevity Lessons from the Blue Zones with Nick Buettner

October 11, 2019

We are excited to have as our next guest on our Radio show Nick Buettner. Nick Buettner and the Blue Zones team study the world’s “Blue Zones", communities whose elders live with vim and vigor to record-setting age areas to find the path to long life and health. In his talk, Nick will share the 9 common diet and lifestyle habits – Power 9® – that keep the oldest old spry past age 100. Blue Zones now works in partnership with municipal governments, large employers, and health insurance companies to implement Blue Zones Projects in communities, workplaces, and universities. Blue Zones Projects are well-being initiatives that apply lessons from the Blue Zones to entire communities by focusing on changes to the local environment, public policy, and social networks. The program has dramatically improved the health of more than 5 million Americans to date. Be sure to tune in to our live show, 2pm PT, on Friday, October 11.