Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

The Intersection of Older Adults and Technology with Dr. Geoff Lane

August 30, 2019

This episode of the Living to 100 Club Radio show takes a close look at how technological innovation can improve the health and well being of older adults. Smart homes, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, social robotics and wearables like smart watches and health trackers will impact all age groups but baby boomers are increasingly becoming voracious consumers of cutting edge technology. And, technology companies are beginning to wake up to the emergence of a techsavvy older generation, a phenomenon labeled the “silver rush” that these companies are beginning to cash in on. Our guest, Dr. Geoffrey Lane, a board certified geriatric psychologist with the VA Healthcare System who has worked with older adults for over 15 years, has a distinct interest in this new specialty, gerontechnology. Geoff will outline the latest and hottest trends in gerontech that keep seniors physically and mentally sharp, safe, and connected.